Calzy Foundation

‘When we lost our son Cal 23 to the illness that is suicide in January 2021 we were broken as a family. How could such a beautiful, happy, loved by all young man get to that point where the only option for him was to take himself out of this existence. His pain, daily struggles with depression and anxiety were so profound and deeply embedded that we or nor anyone around him were not aware of the extent of his feelings.

Cal was and is a bright dancing spirit, a soul full of warmth, kindness, love and compassion for others. His smile lifted the spirit of each and every person who was fortunate enough to meet him. His life was one of creativity, art, music, design and a deep commitment to social justice and fairness for all especially those who find themselves homeless and abandoned by society!’

‘As a family we will be forever impacted by this traumatic unexpected life changing event, we've been compelled to do all we can to help reduce the shocking numbers of people dying from this illness - 5,583 suicides in England and Wales 2021 (ONS 2022) that's 1 suicide every 90 minutes.

Motivated by this pain and loss we established ‘The Calzy Foundation’ for young people suffering trauma/crisis in their mental health.  Led and driven by our Youth Board a movement of young people - Their Voice + Their Needs.’

Calzy Foundation, London. (Click on Image to be taken to their website)

‘We're campaigning for more visible and accessible Peer to Peer / friendship group support provision and a 3 digit mental health emergency number manned 24/7 by trained professionals with a comprehensive triage service run by the NHS.’


’Finally but most importantly we have collaborated with Digital Bricks to design a Mental Health First Response training course for young people 18-30. With the support and donations from some amazing people we can now offer these courses for free  to this group of young people - Thank You

If you would like to be part of our Youth Board please email us -’

Alan, Joolz, Cyan and Cal



